Alec, Max and their family

Alec, Max and their family

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Chapter Two: Family rules

The Alarm proved to be the real thing and not a drill. Alec's voice spoke clear into the communicator "All units this is NOT a drill. Each unit form a three man team and meet at the center of the forest. Roberts sent some droids to attack. Everyone else is ordered to lock down and do NOT make any moves until you get further instructions from me. Alright everybody move out."

Dean took Ben and Melissa and the others went inside locking down the building while the children were placed in a safe room.

Dean, Ben and Melissa met the others at the rendezvous point. Alec wasn't pleased when Dean showed up. The first thing he did was point and Ben and growl "Question my orders even once and I'll bust your ass when this is all over. We don't have time to waste."  He turned to the north team "Jasper, Jules, Zero you three take the droids on the west end. They won't expect that. " They took off and Alec turned to the west team "Todd, take Bullet and Richelle and take the droids on the north end." they each took off after their orders.
Not Alec turned to the east team "You three take out the droids in the south end. Move out." he ordered and they went into action.
While Alec, Max and Zack took out the droids in the east end.
When they were done all three members checked the east end doing recon on the place to see how it was doing. Alec got word from the north and west team and gave them instructions to wait until east team reported back just in case they needed help.
Then relief filled all of them as they heard Melissa's voice "Um. Sir, we've got a major problem here."
The relief was instantly gone "report." Alec said wanting more information.
"This wasn't an attack. It was a trap." Melissa said sounding really upset.
"I'm gonna need more information then that little girl. What happened?" Alec demanded.
Melissa didn't want to be the one to say this. Ben took the communicator "They knocked us out. When we came to Dean was gone. We think they came here to capture him. Their headed east on the main road still. "

"We're on our way." Alec said taking off fast and Max was right at his side. Zack followed and they made it to Ben and Melissa in record time. Then Alec leaped into the air landing on the hood of the van and smashed his fist through the window cause the driver to pull to the side and stop to avoid a crash. Alec got off and dragged the man out of the car and knocked him out.
Max jerked the steal doors open and stared in shock as a man had a gun pressed against Dean's head.
Alec saw it now too and tried to remain calm "Take it easy. This doesn't have to end the wrong way. your outnumbered. If you pull the trigger your just gonna piss me off to a level you really don't wanna see. I'll make you a deal. We'll make a trade. You let him go. And we'll let you both leave alive. But make no mistake. Your NOT taking him."

The gun in the man's hand shook. He feared the X-5's and knew they were right. This was a suicide mission. "We have orders." he said.

"Is it worth dying over? Because please believe me. I will kill you before I let you take him anywhere. " Alec said calmly and Alec saw it a moment too late.
Dean moved fast and hard. He ducked from the man's grip then turned breaking his arm causing him to cry out and drop the gun. Alec grabbed him before he could do anymore damage. "That's enough!"

Then Alec threw him at Max and went over to the man kneeling before him "Sorry, he doesn't really know how to listen all the time. While I have you hear I have a question for you. Why was it your mission to capture him?"

The man choked a little "I don't know honest. I only knew Roberts wanted him. Said he would use your kid against you."

Alec was filled with rage. NOBODY knew that Dean was his child. Nobody accept for him and Max and they had lied to Dean just to keep it a secret. This is why they had never wanted anyone to know. They had too many enemies. 
He leaped from the van after taking the gun and everyone watched in shock as Alec slammed the other man against the van and shoved the gun against his throat "If you EVER come near my son again I promise I'll show you how NOT worth it this little game your playing is! You don't threaten a man's kid."

Dean was too shocked to think. Alec and Max were his parents? He could see the logic in wanting to hide it....but why admit it now?
Roberts nodded frantically vowing to never come near the boy again. Alec then used the gun to knock him out hitting in the head with it.

Then he stormed away "Everyone back to your base. " he ordered
Ben was there by Dean's side as they started back to their base.
This was one revelation they had never wanted confirmed.

Later that night at east base Dean lay in his barrack's when his door opened. He glanced over and when he was Alec he sat up on the bed.

"What are you doing here?" he asked since this was east base.

"You disobeyed me." Alec said simply.

Dean paled "When?"

"I got the report from Melissa. She told me that she lied. They captured you because you were stupid enough to go looking for them. I told you to destroy the droids. NOT to go find Roberts. What the hell were you thinking!"  Alec lectured more then angry at the boy.

Dean knew he was screwed "I know it was stupid but I thought that maybe if I could find him then I could figure out what he was up to. I left Ben and Melissa as they were fighting the droids. There were find on their own so I went to look for Roberts."

Alec's gaze turned to ice "So not only did you disobey an order but you abandoned your unit in battle?" his tone could have frozen hell.

"yes sir. I'll take whatever punishment you deem fit for this. I know I crossed the line." he said not brining up the whole father thing yet.

Alec remained silent for a moment then solemnly nodded "Stand up and take those trousers down soldier." Alec instructed sternly.

Dean grimaced but then nodded and stood up "Yes sir." he took down the trousers and his undershorts as well when he saw Alec nod at those too.

Alec then took his hand from behind his back where he had been holding the ruler. And Dean paled.
The ruler in Alec's hands should be called a lethal weapon.
And when Alec used that thing there were results!
"Now turn and place your hands on the bed." Alec instructed and Dean turned obediently and bent over til his hands were on the bed. Then he felt Alec's hand on his back then Alec's words which filled him with shame "The next time you think about disobeying my orders or ditching your team during battle, you think about this first." Alec told him then it started.
Brutal and merciless the ruler landed in snaps so fast and so hard that Dean never had time to recover before being forced to feel the next and the sting slowly became an intense burn his backside turned a dark shade or Red before Alec paused. He could see Dean's shoulders hunched and could see the strain from the boy trying to not cry. "We've talked about this before. Punishment is suppose to hurt. Its okay to cry. Its okay to scream and holler. Just don't move out of position or try to hold in what you feel. You know I won't tolerate that." Alec said then added "And this is gonna just keep going until I see some repentance and cooperation." then his arm circled Dean's waste and held tight as he snapped the ruler down again touching every inch of Dean's backside striking skin already well blistered. Dean did cry. And he did scream after several more minutes of this merciless punishment.

Alec stopped then and gently helped Dean lay stomach down on his bed and watched as he cried brokenly. Then he sighed and knelt down placing the ruler aside "Don't make us repeat this lesson. We'll talk later about what I said to Roberts." he added then walked out of the door.

Alec never had stayed to coddle the boy and he never would. Not after a spanking. If you deserve it then your gonna get it and get no sympathy from daddy. Alec didn't enjoy spanking and he was often annoyed or disappointed when he had to do it but he never felt bad afterwards either. He had done his duty.

Alec did a check around East building then headed to Ben's quarters where he gave Ben a good dose of the Ruler as well for his attitude lately then stopped by Melissa's quarters ordered her mate out and then gave her a small taste of the ruler as well for lying to him.

Then he went back to his base.

Chapter one: All units respond

The children:

The Adults
Alec- senior officer and mate of Max and head of the south unit and adopted father of Dean( both stolen from Dark Angel the series lol )
Jasper- head of the north unit
Todd - head of the west unit and mate of Jules
Dean - Head of the east unit Father of Alec and mate of Raven
Raven- Mother of Alec and deceased mate of Dean.
Ben - Father of Angel and mate of Jennifer
Jennifer - Mother of Angel and Mate of Ben
Zane - Father of Jason and mate of June
Caleb - Father of Amber and mate of Kylee
Kylee - mother of Amber and mate of Caleb
June - Mother of Jason and mate of Zane
Shane- Father of Jeremy and mate of Melissa
Melissa - Mother of Jeremy and mate of Shane

More characters will be introduced as the story unravels.

The children together fought like the worlds deadliest army. They could not be defeated. There were games played to train them and hard core sessions where they learned to fight like animals.
The one that was the hardest to break was Angel.
One night when the kids were 12 Angel somehow escaped.
She got out and was now into the world. The world was too huge to find one child in. But the Guards searched and then sent out the children to search for the 'lost stray'. The children had no luck finding her. So then the guards sent out the adult soldiers. But they had no better luck then the kids did.
The Adults would soon be entrusted with running the facility and now that a child had been lost they were told that no other children had better be lost.

There was a lot of moping among the kids after Angel was gone.
The Adults were sympathetic but the kids had to learn to follow orders and keep going despite how they currently felt.

The Children came face to face with the adults. The same adults that were their parents. Their parents then spent a week running them ragged and were quick to deliver slaps or spankings if the kids moved too slow or showed any form of defiance.

The parents of Angel went out each night to search the cities near by for clues or tips but no matter how many times they went out they never found anything. It didn't disappoint. Only annoyed them because they felt a duty to protect her and keep her safe. Part of that meant that she needed to learn what the other kids were learning. It was a nasty cycle that had gone on for generations.

The parents cared for their children. Would die for them. But they also believed that the brutal training and the way of life they were raised in to was the right way.

The days were long and hard. And a new tradition started after the guards left and the Adults were now in charge. They summoned their charges outside that morning.

Dean and Ben the first and second in command stood by each other ready to address the kids.
Dean eyed each child including his own son before speaking clearly "The guards are gone. Its our turn to run this place. We're in charge now. You will obey every order swiftly and without argument or you will be punished severely. We do not tolerate defiance. There will also be no mutiny or uprising or any other attempt to over take us. I assure you right now none of you possess the skills to take us down. Anyone who is foolish enough to try will suffer a public punishment. And another thing. We WILL find Angel. Make no mistake she can not run or hide from us. Not forever. we'll find her. And we will lock down this facility each night so don't think that you can escape us. We'll go over the rules soon. But first are there any questions? did anyone not understand what I just said?" Dean asked wanting to be sure they understood perfectly.
When asked that all of the kids accept for Alec looked to the ground and shook their head murmuring "No sir."
Dean met Alec's eyes. "Something you wanna say boy?"
Alec straightened now "No sir."
"Good. Now lets go over the rules. I don't like to repeat myself so pay attention. Rule one: You will have a routine each day. You will follow it to the letter. you will still have your classes only we will be your teachers in all subjects and area's. Including combat training. Rule two: If there are ever guests or others like us that are visiting for whatever reason you will be flawlessly polite and obedient during their stay. I will not have anyone saying that my division has no manners. Rule three: The chain of command. I tell you to do something and you do it. End of chain. Rule four: You will not EVER go beyond the border nor will you cross the fence without an escort and you must also have permission to do either. Let me make this clear. If you are found wondering around without permission you will be punished. Next rule. Rule Five: You will not be late. Not for classes or for any scheduled event. I won't accept any excuses for tardiness. Something else you should know is that all of us soldiers have authority over you. You will respect us and that authority. Each of us has the right to punish each one of you. Weather we are your parent or not we can and will punish you." Dean explained.
Alec saw Amber and noticed she was afraid. He didn't like this. They had been around the parents before and they had never been exposed to this hardness. Alec's eyes flashed at his father "We get the point. You need to stop now. Your scaring her."
Dean looked to his son. "I beg your pardon?"
Alec lost his temper not knowing how else to put it he snapped "I said to shut up!"
He knew as soon as he said it that it was a big mistake. And it wasn't just because he was now pinned with his father's cold gaze.
"I apologize. I meant no disrespect. I spoke without thinking. I was only upset because your scaring Amber." Alec tried to explain.
The silence was almost numbing.
Then finally, Dean spoke "Congratulations Alec. You just earned yourself a lesson in respect. Free of charge."
"I said I was sorry." Alec protested.
"Sorry isn't always good enough. And your not sorry. But you will be. I will however grant you this in private. So I'll deal with you later. Til then you best keep your mouth shut." Dean informed and Alec instantly looked down. "Yes sir."
"that's better. Now, Amber." Dean went over to stand before the young girl who then looked up at him fear in her eyes "You have nothing to be scared of. Its okay to be afraid of punishment. Your not suppose to enjoy it. But you won't be punished unless you break the rules." she nodded in understanding at his words.
"Permission to speak freely sir?" Jeremy asked and Dean smirked going over to him now
"Permission granted. What's on your mind?"
Jeremy looked Dean in the eye "Angel sir. Is the safe out there?"
Dean frowned now. "Safe? For the most part yes. No one will hurt her. Most people won't hurt a child. But that doesn't mean she belongs out there. She should be here. With all of you. We'll find her. You've no need to worry." Dean tried to put the boys mind at ease.
"yes sir. Thank you sir." Jeremy always obedient instantly believed Dean.
Alec didn't like this. First it was all intense and now it was almost paternal.
He had a bad feeling that he was just gonna have to get used to it. He almost wished that they hadn't been left at the mercy of their parents.

Dean then went over the list of punishments
"Punishment is going to change. There are now going to be more then one type of punishment. There are different rules and so there is a punishment for each one if you break it. If you break routine at any time in the door or if you are late you will lose privileges such as the fun activities in the wreck room. The punishment for disrespect or being rude when a guest is here weather the guest hears or see's it or not will still get you a severe spanking. I assume that none of you know what that means. Basically your father or one of the other males here will put you face down across their lap and slap your bottom until your repentant. And I mean genuinely repentant not just repentant because you are being punished and trust me we know the difference. A spanking will be a common form of punishment. For rule number two you will mostly likely only be spanked with our hand. Rule three: If you don't do as your told or if you are defiant or disrespectful in any way you will be spanked without the benefit of clothing. It will hurt much more that way trust me. That covers rule three. Now for rule four. If you are caught across the borderline and trust me you will be caught. We aren't lazy like the guards. We pay attention. There will be someone on watch each night. If you dare to try escaping or make it over the border your father will be woken from sleep and believe me he will get cranky and you will get spanked with this." He showed them the long rectangular item with the cemetery of a ruler. "Its impact creates a powerful sting. So I wouldn't recommend testing the limits. It will also be used on you if you show disrespect more then once. The first time you show disrespect you will be spanked with the hand. The second time you will get it with this. And after that I doubt seriously there will be a third time. We take respect very seriously around here. Just like obeying orders. These things all need to be a second nature to you. " Dean explained then a light on his control beeped. "Alright that's enough for now. We have intruders. To your rooms. Secure the barracks and don't come back out until we signal you. Hurry. Move it." He ordered voice raised and the kids scattered to their rooms.

Dean sent Ben to lock down the building so that no one could get in or out without knowing the pass code. Then the quickly devised a plan and split up scouting the area.
The intruder was a man. The man had stumbled onto the reservation tripping the silent alarm.
Dean didn't think the man was a spy. But he wasn't suppose to be here and so he needed to be taken out fast. Dean dropped from the tree behind and snapped the man's neck. A fast death.
Then there was the sound of glass breaking and the soldiers turned as one to see 3 of the kids jump out the windows and then they took off running for the fence.
Ben squinted to see better "Amber, Jason, and Alec." he stated then the remaining two kids leaped from the window too and now all of the kids were scaling the fence.
"They don't get past the perimeter." Dean said clearly it was an order "Your to capture only. Move out." and they each headed out in different directions.
Dean headed south meaning to head off his son.
His communicator beeped then and the leader of the squad from the other side of the perimeter spoke "Is there a security breach?" Todd asked
Dean cursed. "We took care of it. But the kids are on the move. Hold your fire. I repeat. Hold your fire." Dean said and Todd understood and told his men on the fence that some of the kids were lose and not to fire at them.
Dean spoke into the communicator again this time clicking the button to speak to all the bases in the area related to their operation. "5 of the east kids are on the move heading north. We'll catch them before they get too far but I'd appreciate it if no one shoots at them. " he said just in case one of the kids crossed over into another X's territory.
he suddenly heard Alec's voice. Not his son but the soldier that he had named his son after. His mentor. "How'd they get past the fence?"
"There was a breach. We went to check it out. It was only one guy so we took him out. The kids used that time to apparently decided to make a run for it." Dean explained
A woman's voice now came on "Your suppose to report before deciding to terminate. Need help rounding them up?" she asked. It was Max. Alec's mate.
Oh crap. Max and Alec looked the same age as Dean but they were older and saw Dean as a son type.
"Negative. " Dean said as he continued to run.
Alec and Max went to the look out to observe the forest and could spot a couple of the soldiers running through the forest.
Max looked to Alec who took charge then grabbing his own communicator he said "Alright your all going the wrong way for starters. Jasper two of the kids are headed your way. Round them up and deliver them to east base. Jules, Zack two are headed your way. Capture and deliver to east base." Alec spoke and everyone took action while Alec and Max tried to figure out where little Alec was.
"Does anybody see little man?" he asked using his nickname for the boy who had been named after him.
Dean was annoyed. he could follow orders but he was in charge of his unit. "would you just let us handle this?" he scowled.
"Chill out Dean. And no, this will get done a hell of a lot faster if we all pitch in. But if you can't keep a handle on your unit we'll have to combine units. " Alec warned.
Dean wanted to smart off but he knew better and headed out in another direction trying to locate his son.
Max's voice urgent now was heard over the com "Shit. Little man's almost across the border. GET HIM! Now! Get him before he gets picked up by a car!" she yelled jumping down to join the chase herself now.
Dean and Max ran fast to capture him together.
Jasper from the north side beeped in "I got Amber and Jason. I'm taking these birds back to the nest."
"Good work Jasper. " Alec praised.
Jules voice came next "I got Jeremy."
"Nice work Jules. Where's Angel?" Alec asked and then Shane answered that from his com link saying "Angel's been missing for about a month now. She escaped before we were given the territory." then he realized he probably shouldn't have told Alec that.
Alec got pissed at the idea of one of their own children out there in that filth.
"And why the hell was none of us notified about this? Never mind. I'll round up a search party." He said more to himself then the others. "Anyone who wants to join feel free. But we're finding her tonight."

"Got him" Max said as she held the squirming child in her arms and Dean followed as Max walked back to his base. "Alright. Now that we got that taken care of. " she said turning to Dean and pointed a finger at him "YOU had better thank your lucky stars that we are gonna search for Angel tonight cause other wise I have no doubt that Alec would have some words for you." she lectured causing Dean to blush "Yes Ma'am. I appreciate the help."

Max then went back to her own territory and 13 soldiers left their territories to help search for the little girl.

Dean and the other parents spanked their kids more annoyed at having their plan of action vetoed by higher authority then the fact that the kids had almost escaped. The Parents were parents but they were still younger then the soldiers that came before and there were three of four generations in the forest. None of their kind aged past 30. Thought Alec and Max were not Dean's parents they were the only parents he had known. His own parents had been killed in battle and Max and Alec had taken him in.

Alec and Max were the highest ranking soldiers around. Jasper was the senior officer of north base while Jules was in charge of the west side. Dean had rule over the east while Alec and Max were in the south side but they outranked everyone in the area. They were a little like the king and queen because everyone loved and respect them and they were always obeyed. Though there was a time or too when Dean had openly defied them.
Dean was strong but he was still no match for Alec.

He sat in the engine room when finally Alec made contact "Got her. She's safe. We'll bring her home.  Its time for lights out for your squad so go on. No need to worry anymore. we've got her." Alec said.

Dean sighed and went to his quarters laying in bed but he didn't sleep.

Alec formed a plan of action as he carried the girl. Its not that he didn't have faith in Dean but Dean was young and still needed guidance.

The next morning Alec made an announcement "Starting today I want daily reports from each quadrant. Understood?"

Jaspers voice amused answered "Sure thing."
Jules chimed in next "Not a problem."
Todd commented next "yes sir."

Alec waited for Dean's response but it didn't come.
"Ease side do you copy?" he tested trying to get someone to answer.
"We heard you fearless leader." Ben said
"So then why didn't I get a reply?" Alec asked
"Well you could oh I don't know try to be a little patient?" Ben scoffed.
Then Dean's voice annoyed growled "Would you stop pushing!"
Then he spoke to Alec "Could you repeat sir?"
"I was telling everyone that starting today they are to make a daily report and send it to me. Each day from now on. As for Ben I was about to tell him to watch his tone. Be sure to pass that along to him. You have three strikes Dean."

 Dean tried to chose his words carefully "With all due respect sir. I'm not making any reports. That wasn't required of me when I was assigned here. You can't just change the rules."

"Wanna bet?" Alec asked then his tone was ice cold "And you wouldn't be defying me...would you?"

A chill ran down Dean's spine. Damn. Alec could still scare the shit out of him.
"No sir. I was just unaware that you were going to ask for reports. What is the purpose of this?"

"To keep tabs on how your all doing. If I'm not satisfied with what I see then things will change until I see some results. Is that clear?" Alec prompted Dean to answer
"Clear as Crystal Sir." Dean said then added "East side out."
Dean then turned to face an enraged Ben "Why are you such a lap dog? Alec is such an ass. He's not the boss of everybody....well okay maybe his is but he's cocky and I hate that he's so much better then the rest of us. I'm sick of him changing the rules all the time. He used to do that when we were kids too. It made it hard as hell to follow the rules. " Ben complained then left the room.

Dean sighed and heard the beep again and Alec's voice once again spoke to him "Oh and one more thing Dean, if I ever hear again that you carried out an execution without properly informing me you will be severely punished. I don't care to have this talk again boy." Alec growled and Dean knew it was serious. He had made a lapse in judgment. Alec had taught him long ago that you didn't have to kill everyone. Some people were just there at the wrong time and could be escorted off the property. Execution was frowned upon. Doing it without informing your senior officers could result in instant punishment.  "Understood sir. It won't happen again."

That was the end of the talk.

Angel was returned later that day having been spanked by Alec already for running away the other children were all just so happy to see her.

She was sad to be back but also she had missed them.

East base managed to stay out of trouble for the next few weeks.
The kids did their best to obey and follow the rules and enjoyed their free time most of all.
